The aspects of judging INA bearing's quality

2023/06/15 16:07

Although the volume of INA bearings is not large, the quality of the concave and convex plays a very important role in the operation of the entire equipment, so that it is necessary to choose carefully when buying, so as not to be subjected to some bad businesses with inferior products to hide the truth. At this time, some people will voice, this thing does not have professional common sense, I do not know how to choose, so today we will give us a little knowledge of this aspect, that is, the quality of INA bearings can be judged from what aspects.

Observe the work of the chamfer.

How to reflect the quality of an INA bearing, then it must be chamfering, because the anti-front handover place if the manufacturer's skills are strong, it is easy to do well, so if you do not know how to distinguish, you may pay attention to the chamfering place, observe how it is handled, if you observe the workmanship is very precise, then the quality problem does not need to doubt.

Scale of manufacturer

In addition to the quality of the parts themselves can be seen, in the scale of the manufacturer can also be seen, so in the procurement, do not choose the small workshop in order to save money, there is no guarantee, the result will be penny wise and pound foolish.

Pay attention to the maintenance work of INA bearings, which will bring us a long bearing life in the future.

Pay attention to the maintenance work of INA bearings, bring more application effects, now our society is rapidly developing in the mechanization era, the use of various machines are endless, such as INA bearings are in a lot of machinery to play a more important role, which can help connect various mechanical parts, Also can help reduce the use of mechanical friction. Therefore, it is also important to carry out good protection operations in daily life.

We should pay attention to the following points to help us bring more application effects.

In order to ensure the long-term operation of INA bearings, but also in order to maintain its due function, regular maintenance is quite necessary.

The first thing to do is to check the work regularly, regular inspection can help find the fault in time, timely discovery of the initial failure, so as to immediately repair, can effectively prevent accidents, but also to help improve the production rate and economic benefits.

When it is kept, be careful not to damage the original rust coating outside the factory, which can help effectively preserve, the storage warehouse should not be too wet and dark, the temperature is usually kept between about 20 degrees, and it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible, in addition, such as some objects that are too low in temperature are also not to touch.

Cleaning INA bearings is also very important, cleaning is divided into two ways, rough washing and fine washing. When rough washing, you can take some cleaning tools to brush off the surface material, but pay attention to the good oil cleaning must be careful. And like fine washing is more exquisite, we can put it in the oil slowly rolling, after the end of all cleaning is immediately coated with anti-rust oil, so that it can ensure that it is not oxidized off.